I'm blogging today because my heart hurts. It was 8 weeks ago yesterday that Dad took his last breath (1/6/16). I've noticed lately that my grief strikes me more frequently again. And when it does, it hits hard. Dave and I created a slideshow of Dad's life - which was a complete labor of love. We began work on it long before Dad entered Hospice - trying to be ready for when the time came. Even though it was time-consuming...I'm so thankful we made it. It's been such a blessing. First, to be able to share it with others. But now, to be able to watch. To remember. To see him. (Click here to watch.) For several days I've been wanting to watch the slideshow again. But, because I was never alone, I kept putting it off. Putting off the emotions. The tears. Knowing that as soon as I hit play, those tears were going to flood. But just now - while the kids are gone to PTC and it's just me and the dog - I watched it. And I cried. And I cried. And I cried. And I...
Listening for God's voice in the midst of life's busy "mom" moments...