Friday mornings seem to make me want to write. I was just thinking about all the things God is teaching me this week, and I thought I better get it on the blog before He reveals much more. My brain can only process so much at one time! I just love how writing helps me organize my thoughts. And my prayer is that maybe some of this will encourage you as well.
As you may already know, I'm on a mission over the next 11+ months. That mission is to become "fit at forty". Turning 39 a few weeks ago means it is time to crank this mission into high gear! Thankfully, my participation in the Lysa TerKeurst "Made to Crave" filming in August got my brain thinking in a new way. And trust me when I say this: my #1 stumbling block on the road to weight loss is my brain. Is it yours? I think women are definitely more prone to struggling in this area. I won't re-hash the whole head game thing (that was a previous post). I'll just say that praise the Lord...God's doing a BIG change on me already! Can I get an Amen?!
Let's back up to the "Made to Crave" idea. First off, as an FYI: the book and its DVD's and participant guide won't be released until January. But, you can pre-order them now at: If you want to join me in a 6-week Bible study of "Made to Crave", let me know. I plan to have one beginning sometime in the end of January. So what is my "Aha" moment from what I've learned so far (just from participating in the DVD filming)?
Not taking care of my body is a sin.
Poor eating habits (and food addictions) are a sin.
A poor self-image joined together with negative self-talk is a sin!
Have you ever thought of it this way? It sounds so simple, yet I hadn't looked at it this way before. I'm always focused on how I can be living a life that is bringing glory and honor to God. Yet, somehow, this aspect of my daily life never registered on the "sin scale." It seemed like a personal struggle that was definitely a huge roadblock in my life. But I'd just never considered that God was calling it a sin. But , here's the deal: God doesn't want us to crave (or think about) anything more than Him. Not money. Not success. Not our family. Not sex. Not food. Nothing.
So how often do you think about: the number on the scale, the food you want to eat (or can't eat), the way you look in the mirror? Do you think about that more than you think about God? Do you filter your thoughts on all these issues through the truths of God's Word? How does God want you to talk to yourself? How does He want you to treat your body? These are the types of things I'm thinking about right now. Thankfully His Word is very clear...and thankfully He's overflowing with grace.
The last week has been a good week in this journey for me. God has really healed my hurts on a lot of my past failures. He is showing me how to offer myself the same grace He offers. He is showing me how to have a positive self-talk. He is gradually taking away my unhealthy cravings, and filling me with more of a craving for Him. And, slowly, the scale is showing some reward too.
It's all a process! I am confident that no matter what date this goal of mine will be achieved, it WILL be achieved. Just having that amount of hope and assurance for me is HUGE! I am so thankful for the changes God has already given me. And I'm excited for the changes that are yet to come.
So many more great things swirling through my mind. You'll just have to stayed tuned for more on another day. Have a blessed weekend!
As you may already know, I'm on a mission over the next 11+ months. That mission is to become "fit at forty". Turning 39 a few weeks ago means it is time to crank this mission into high gear! Thankfully, my participation in the Lysa TerKeurst "Made to Crave" filming in August got my brain thinking in a new way. And trust me when I say this: my #1 stumbling block on the road to weight loss is my brain. Is it yours? I think women are definitely more prone to struggling in this area. I won't re-hash the whole head game thing (that was a previous post). I'll just say that praise the Lord...God's doing a BIG change on me already! Can I get an Amen?!
Let's back up to the "Made to Crave" idea. First off, as an FYI: the book and its DVD's and participant guide won't be released until January. But, you can pre-order them now at: If you want to join me in a 6-week Bible study of "Made to Crave", let me know. I plan to have one beginning sometime in the end of January. So what is my "Aha" moment from what I've learned so far (just from participating in the DVD filming)?
Not taking care of my body is a sin.
Poor eating habits (and food addictions) are a sin.
A poor self-image joined together with negative self-talk is a sin!
Have you ever thought of it this way? It sounds so simple, yet I hadn't looked at it this way before. I'm always focused on how I can be living a life that is bringing glory and honor to God. Yet, somehow, this aspect of my daily life never registered on the "sin scale." It seemed like a personal struggle that was definitely a huge roadblock in my life. But I'd just never considered that God was calling it a sin. But , here's the deal: God doesn't want us to crave (or think about) anything more than Him. Not money. Not success. Not our family. Not sex. Not food. Nothing.
So how often do you think about: the number on the scale, the food you want to eat (or can't eat), the way you look in the mirror? Do you think about that more than you think about God? Do you filter your thoughts on all these issues through the truths of God's Word? How does God want you to talk to yourself? How does He want you to treat your body? These are the types of things I'm thinking about right now. Thankfully His Word is very clear...and thankfully He's overflowing with grace.
The last week has been a good week in this journey for me. God has really healed my hurts on a lot of my past failures. He is showing me how to offer myself the same grace He offers. He is showing me how to have a positive self-talk. He is gradually taking away my unhealthy cravings, and filling me with more of a craving for Him. And, slowly, the scale is showing some reward too.
It's all a process! I am confident that no matter what date this goal of mine will be achieved, it WILL be achieved. Just having that amount of hope and assurance for me is HUGE! I am so thankful for the changes God has already given me. And I'm excited for the changes that are yet to come.
So many more great things swirling through my mind. You'll just have to stayed tuned for more on another day. Have a blessed weekend!
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