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Check Out: Verseability!

Just a quick note to let everyone know about a GREAT resource! After saying yes to my friend Cindy Bultema's A to Z Scripture Memory Challenge and sharing about it on here, I was blessed to be "introduced" to Versability and Darlene Dykstra. Yesterday Darlene surprised me with a special delivery (because we live so close) of my A to Z Versepack! AND, she even threw in an extra special surprise: a personalized versepack! I was so excited to open them up! What a blessing it was to me to open it up and see each Scripture personalized with my name. Talk about God's Word coming to life! I can't wait to add those verses to my morning quiet time. I know I'll be extra blessed by seeing my name in each verse.Thank you, Darlene!

I just wanted to share this with you in case you are also participating in Cindy's 2012 Scripture Memory Challenge. Darlene has offered the amazing price of just $5 per Versepack (just mention She Sparkles for this special pricing). Each of you can have your own A to Z Versepack with 26 business card-sized memory verses in a handy custom box that fits easily in a purse or pocket. When you have a few extra moments, you can just grab your A to Z Versepack and work on storing away God's Word in your heart.

I hope you'll check out Darlene's website and contact her today:
616-669-5113 or


  1. I've done quite a few bible studies with Darlene (she's leading the study I'm doing now on the book of Matthew) and I've received and given many of her Versability products. They're pretty awesome and I highly recommend them! Not to mention Darlene is one of the sweeteset people on the planet. :)


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