Unfortunately, since my last post the world has gotten more and more messed up. It's honestly a very discouraging time to be an American. My heart is sad. My hope is in the Lord...but I'm running out of hope for the future of our country. My prayer has more and more become "Lord, come quickly."
Here's a recap of the last 3+ months:
Galatians 6:9 - "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.
Here's a recap of the last 3+ months:
- All colleges in the country finished out their spring semesters online.
- All elementary & high schools across the country did that as well.
- Masks are required in almost every public space.
- Dave has had to wear a mask all day at work since mid-March.
- Not only has the corona virus caused fear and bickering amongst those of differing opinions, we are also smack dab in the middle of the largest race war since I've been alive.
- Police agencies are being defunded.
- Antifa and other groups are invading cities, tearing down historical monuments that they oppose, and proclaiming "autonomous zones" in the middle of city blocks.
- There is a clear war going on, and it's apparently not obvious to everyone just who the two sides are. But some of us know. It's good vs evil. God's plan vs the enemy's.
There's just SO much going on, it's honestly hard to keep up. And, quite frankly, I don't even want to. I severely limit the amount of news I consume every day. I try to get the "highlights" from my social media feeds. I also try to follow enough variety of people in my social media, that my eyes are being opened to many different opinions. Then I'm weighing all that information against my Bible, against common sense, against what I feel the Lord is telling me to do/believe.
Regardless of all the BS going on and the arguing and bickering happening everywhere - I'm very thankful for a few things. For starters, as much as my twins would have rather been on campus, I have thoroughly enjoyed (and appreciated!) having them home the last 3 months. I know that time has been a gift to me (and to them too - but they don't quite feel the same away about it just yet). Being able to re-connect after them being off to college for several months was a real treasure to me. And being able to finish all their classes online probably made for a slightly easier finish to their semesters too. I'm also thankful for the spiritual leadership that I've seen in Dave over the last several weeks. He's been digging in deep, and strengthening not only his relationship with God...but the way he leads our family's spiritual life as well.
I definitely feel as though we are seeing the book of Revelation be unfolded right before our eyes. And so - because I know where I will spend eternity - I am mostly at peace with all that's going on. I mean, this world is not my home. And I know Who wins in the end. But it is certainly unsettling when you see the madness happening around you. When you realize that decisions are being made that affect all people but based on the "opinions" (or agendas) of a few. When you see that common sense appears to have gone by the wayside. Where fear is the overarching decision maker of those in charge. When you see your American freedoms stripped right before you in the name of "safety". It's maddening. It's unsettling.
But God.
He is my Strength, my Comfort, my Peace.
I keep asking myself, "If these are the end times. If I'm walking through the unfolding of Revelations right now. How do I want to finish my time here on this earth? Am I going to be full of faith? Or full of fear? Am I going to be bringing others with me to spend eternity in Heaven? Or am I going to be selfish and only focused on my own agenda and interests? What example do I want to be setting for my kids? Am I honoring God through this madness? Or am I more acting like the Israelites when they were lost in the wilderness for forty years?"
It's a daily choice of how I'm going to choose to navigate these times. And some days fear takes over more than others. I do feel that God is calling me to step out and proclaim His Word to people in a more active and purposeful way than I have before. Even though our church has only had online services for 3 months, I am hopeful that I will soon have the opportunity to get more involved. I'm ready to connect. To serve. To go where God calls.
So this post doesn't have a neat little tidy ending. It's me trying to adjust as we move through each new crisis or issue. I'm in prayer for our country. For our leaders. For our churches. For all unbelievers. Regardless of whether the end is in my lifetime or soon thereafter...it's time for all the sleepers to wake up. This country needs us to stand strong in our faith. To be united as one Kingdom against the darkness and evil in this world. To bring people to Christ so that they can join us in heaven for all eternity. My heart is crying out that I'm ready to just be in Heaven now. But God is telling me I have work to do for Him still on this earth.
May we each listen for His direction and calling on our lives. And may we not delay in doing as He says. Time is short. But the work to be done is great.
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