2020 has been the year of EVERYTHING being cancelled. Am I right?
All the things we have been looking forward to since mid-March have not happened. So here we are, one week out from Thanksgiving & Luke's first basketball tournament...and all I can be is "cautiously optimistic" that things will go as planned. I can't really be excited. I mean, we were literally on the road heading towards his MAC Tournament game on March 12th when we found out the tournament had been cancelled. Every time we've gotten our hopes up that something was going to happen this year, it has been snatched away from us. So "cautiously optimistic" is the best I can do at this point.
Luke called me yesterday to give me an update on some things, and I 100% expected him to tell me we were no longer allowed to attend. Thankfully, he didn't. He just shared that we aren't allowed to talk to him inside of the arena at any games this year. 'Cuz you know, talking to someone through a mask INSIDE a building is a SURE way to pass the 'rona. But standing OUTSIDE with NO mask on...well, that's completely safe. 😳 Add it to the list of completely stupid ideas for this year.
I mean, have we - as a society - lost ALL common sense? This really feels like we're living in the middle of the movie "The Truman Show" and the directors are laughing as they watch us naively following all these absurd rules.
I mean, look at some of these 2020 ideas:
- Nursing home patients aren't allowed to see their family members unless they stand outside and look in their window. Why? Because they can't bring outside germs into the building. But, um, don't the staff leave the building every single day and go home and around town doing errands? Well, yes. But that's different. So it's better for nursing home patients to suffer with depression and loneliness, than for them to see the people they love as they're living their last days on earth? Oh. Ok.
- It is absolutely NOT safe for the small stores to be open. But it is 100% safe for the big box stores like Costco and Meijer and Home Depot to stay open. Why is it different? I guess because they think we can "socially distance" more in a bigger building. But, um, have you seen how people in those big stores still congregate down aisles and in the checkout lines? Oh, but that's ok. Because...2020 logic.
- Gyms are NOT a safe place. I mean, yes people might be improving their physical and mental health by being there...but the 'rona's gonna get you if you walk into a gym.
- Masks are a must for preventing this. And they work. So why are we - 8 months into this when 90% of people are wearing them - seeing a giant rise in cases? Could it have something to do with the fact that people's immune systems are weak? And more people always get sick this time of year? And because we haven't been focusing on strengthening our immune systems the last 8 months (and all the covid BS has actually WEAKENED immunity), so of course people are going to be getting sick now? Nope. That's not true. It must be because people are bad and not good at following rules, so we must chastise them and take away their constitutional rights because they aren't smart enough to do it on their own.
- Restaurants (when they're allowed to be open) must require their guests to wear a mask whenever they're walking around inside. But, as soon as you sit down, you can remove your mask and leave it off while you're eating & drinking. Because, you know, standing up and walking around means you're for sure gonna get it...but sitting down. Well, the 'rona won't get you there.
- So the vaccine is - at best - 95% effective. Right? And the survival rate of this virus is - at worst - also about 95%. Right? So why in the heck are we supposed to be scared out of our ever loving minds until we get the vaccine? Oh, yeah. Right. 2020.
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