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New Year Mindset

I've always felt like I didn't quite fit in. From that girl at GCS who felt completely invisible to the way I still feel most social circle has always been miniscule. But that's not the kind of not fitting in that I'm talking about. I'm talking about the idea of: "Being IN this world, but not OF it".  For SO many reasons, 2020 made the gap even wider for me in that regard. I know without a doubt that this world is NOT my home. And I have felt less and less comfortable being a sojourner in it as the struggles of this world have become more and more contrary to all the things I hold dear. My heart's cry is more and more: "Jesus, come quickly!" We all know the horrors of 2020. I really don't want to re-hash them or give them anymore space in my brain than what they've already stolen. 2020 was filled with all manner of disappointments from things being cancelled. All manner of fear and lies and evil. All manner of reminders of w...
Recent posts

Cautiously Optimistic

2020 has been the year of EVERYTHING being cancelled. Am I right?  All the things we have been looking forward to since mid-March have not happened. So here we are, one week out from Thanksgiving & Luke's first basketball tournament...and all I can be is "cautiously optimistic" that things will go as planned. I can't really be excited. I mean, we were literally on the road heading towards his MAC Tournament game on March 12th when we found out the tournament had been cancelled. Every time we've gotten our hopes up that something was going to happen this year, it has been snatched away from us. So "cautiously optimistic" is the best I can do at this point. Luke called me yesterday to give me an update on some things, and I 100% expected him to tell me we were no longer allowed to attend. Thankfully, he didn't. He just shared that we aren't allowed to talk to him inside of the arena at any games this year. 'Cuz you know, talking to someone ...

Covid Burnout

Covid Burnout is a REAL thing. I imagine many people are experiencing it right now. Dave and I are feeling it EXTRA hard lately. I am sure it has something to do with having our two oldest birdies back to college & all the unknowns and Covid mandates that has brought. Combined with all the evil going on in the world that we see plastered everywhere every single day. And the fact that the "goalpost" of the end of all this mask/shutdown BS isn't even a thing anymore. At the beginning, they kept throwing out "end dates". Now they don't even bother. I'm not sure they know what has to happen for all the BS to end. It certainly feels like we're being held hostage by our governor and other leaders who are making all these decisions. I know we're each trying to handle this whole mess in our own way. I'm just here to say that for Dave and I - we are having a rough go of it as of late. Perhaps me most of all. I had a COMPLETE  meltdown on the phone...

Summer Thoughts

Unfortunately, since my last post the world has gotten more and more messed up. It's honestly a very discouraging time to be an American. My heart is sad. My hope is in the Lord...but I'm running out of hope for the future of our country. My prayer has more and more become "Lord, come quickly." Here's a recap of the last 3+ months: All colleges in the country finished out their spring semesters online. All elementary & high schools across the country did that as well. Masks are required in almost every public space. Dave has had to wear a mask all day at work since mid-March. Not only has the corona virus caused fear and bickering amongst those of differing opinions, we are also smack dab in the middle of the largest race war since I've been alive. Police agencies are being defunded. Antifa and other groups are invading cities, tearing down historical monuments that they oppose, and proclaiming "autonomous zones" in the middle of city ...

March 2020 Madness

As the entire world is living smack dab in the middle of the least funny April Fools' Joke ever...I thought I'd take some time to jot down some of what our March brought us. The main reason? So I will remember this crazy, upside-down, bizarro-world moment in time. I mean, I seem to be programmed to forget the bad in life and remember the good. So there's a pretty darn good chance that my brain will choose to forget most of what this pandemic has left in its dust. And as much as I'll be glad when we're on the other side of this...there's a lot of God-moments and gifts in the chaos that I don't ever want to forget. Just over four weeks ago, the girls and I ended up taking a pretty last minute "girls trip" to Florida. It ended up being my two girls, plus Liva, Abby, and Allison. Back then, the college girls were stressed out and ready for Spring Break. They were also still recovering (physically and mentally) from a pretty stressful couple of weeks ...

Comfortable? Or Growing?

I have a word to share today. Perhaps I'm the only one who needs this reminder - but I'm going to say it anyway. Life is NOT about being comfortable.  As I approach 48 years of living on this earth, I realize that - for most of that time - I have been seeking comfort. For as long as I can remember, "being comfortable" was my safe space. It meant I knew what was expected of me. I was familiar with my daily routine/surroundings/people. It meant I could just live life on cruise control and get through my day. And "my comfort zone" was something I sought after in every possible facet of my life. Like - living in the comfort zone was my end all, be all of a successful day.  But that's completely false. Have you heard this saying: You can either be comfortable or you can be growing. But you can't be both. Yep. Read that again.  In other words, you can be growing into more of the person God wants you to be. Or you can be comfortable. ...

How Did We Get Here?!

It still feels like this is someone else's reality that I'm living, we are! 2/3 of our children are now living on campus at the University of Toledo. 😮 How did we get here so quickly?! Seems like we were just in the middle of training wheels and the Tooth Fairy and Little League. It is really kind of a cruel parenting joke: just when you really love having your kids around (because they're so interesting to talk to and helpful, etc.)...they move out! I'm excited for this new chapter in their lives. But honestly really sad about it too. I am not sure which is harder - them learning how to navigate life independently or me letting them. So far, I think it's the latter.  Besides sending our twins off to Toledo, we have also added a foreign exchange student from Denmark to our family this school year. Liva is a phenomenal addition to our family! She seems to be thoroughly enjoying both Lowell School and her time here with us. I pray that this is a gr...