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Purposefully Planning

I'm purposefully taking time this week to prepare for the New Year. The busyness of Christmas has passed (sigh), and the schedule has lots of "down" time in it the next few days. For the first time in quite a while, I'm actually excited about the New Year ahead. Normally, it's a time where I regretfully look back over the last twelve months and all of my un-reached goals. This year was different though.

I read something on a home planning blog that may help explain why 2010 has been a more productive year. This particular organizing dynamo reminded her readers that in order for any home planner to be useful, you need  to take regular time to pray and ask for God's direction in your life. Take regular inventory of what you're doing well, and in what areas you need improvement. Ask God to help you make the best decisions. As parents (or just as "people", for that matter) we can't just "make it through". We have to be purposeful about our actions. Purposeful about our life's goals and priorities. Purposeful about making a difference in the lives of those we interact with. Well, for the first year in a long time, this was one area I was VERY purposeful in.

Maybe it was the fact that our first year of homeschooling last year allowed me to have the time to do this. Or maybe it was that our first year of homeschooling REQUIRED that I do it. There is no way we could have taken the journey into becoming a homeschooling family without regularly turning to God for direction, encouragement, and strength. At least not if we wanted this journey to be a successful one. It may sound funny to those of you who don't homeschool to hear me say that homeschooling has acquired me MORE time. I think before I was a homeschooling Mom I would have thought just the opposite would be true. But it's amazing how much time is opened up on your schedule when you're not tied down to the traditional school's timeline. All that time I used to take getting the kids ready for school, taking them there, picking them up, fulfilling my role as a good parent by being involved with their classes, and attending all the school-related now put to good use at home. AND (this is maybe the best part), me and the kids get to explore God's Word and His will TOGETHER! Homeschooling has actually de-stressed our family.

So for 2011, I am hoping to take this home planning thing to the next level. I am spending time between now and January 1st to pray over and plan everything from our weekly cleaning schedule and daily to-do lists, to our family menu and memory making moments. I don't want to look back a year from now and see all the ways I could have been better. I want to look back and see all the ways we were purposeful about living. Purposeful living doesn't mean there won't be mistakes or not-so-successful moments. But it does mean that we can live without regrets. Live knowing God is right here with us...even in the mundane.

As I sit here typing this, I'm watching Luke play with one of his new games he got for Christmas. I look at him now and see this remarkable young man. The character traits that I've seen develop in him since we started our homeschooling journey are truly remarkable.  Thank God we had the courage to step out on faith and bring our kids home! God has blessed us beyond our wildest dreams. The ways God is working in my children's lives is astounding!. Breath-taking. I know that one of my goals for 2011 is to be more purposeful about praying specifically for my children. The power of prayer is an awe-inspiring thing. To see the God of the universe touch our lives on such a personal level is humbling. What a shame it is when we don't take time to pray for our children. I hope to make that a much higher priority next year.

I'm excited for the ways God is going to inspire me as I take this time to pray over the New Year. God-directed goals are the only ones I hope to have for 2011. What about you? I hope you have time this week to pray about where God wants to lead your family next year. We can pray for each other to cling closely to God and allow Him to use us to further His kingdom in awe-inspiring ways!

Happy New Year friends!


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