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Wow. My brain is swirling with all kinds of inspiring stories right now. Things like:
  • Corrie ten Boom's life story ~ as I continue to read books about her amazing life, I'm challenged to step outside my comfort zone for God. Challenged to live out my life in such a way that others can see I am a passionate woman of faith. Challenged to be used by God in ways that I can't even fully conceive right now.
  • Lysa TerKeurst's webcast this week. Wow. Best one yet (and her last)! Every one of her guests spoke to me in a powerful way. I have been especially challenged this past week to make this journey ALL about making the self-disciplined choice for the rest of my life. To keep my focus not on what I can't have (certain foods), but on what I CAN have (a deep, personal, powerful relationship with my Creator!). This journey is truly NOT one about weight. It's one about my spiritual life. Oh, friends. This has got me thinking of some BIG things! Big things.
  • Lastly, some things that Lysa's husband, Art, said on the webcast. He mentioned the dreams that Lysa shared with him on one of their first dates. Her dreams of someday: writing a book, speaking in front of thousands of women, being on the Oprah show. She's done all of that! Art was talking about how he's tried to always encourage Lysa to follow her dreams. Then he discussed the one prayer that he has always prayed for her ministry: "Lord, keep her humble." In other words, never let the scope of her ministry go beyond the level of her faith. Wow.
Why does that last part really speak to me? Because I share in Lysa's dreams. Well, not the Oprah part. But, I too dream of being a published author. Speaking at women's conferences. Using my love of writing, my love of public speaking, and (most importantly) my love of the Lord to encourage other women. I needed to hear Art share those things just like I needed to see Karen Ehman sitting on that webcast couch.

Karen is an author, a homeschool Mom, a Michigander...are you seeing some similarities here? I first saw Karen at a Hearts at Home conference. I bought one of her books. I was encouraged by her weight loss the following year at the next Hearts at Home conference. Then...I saw her somewhere I never imagined I'd run into a Hearts at Home speaker/published author: at one of my son's homeschool basketball games. Yep! Karen's sons play for a team that my son's team plays in basketball. I was at a game, and there she was. Sitting on the stands behind me. I was blown away at how...regular that seemed!

That's when it hit me: God uses regular people! Regular people like Karen Ehman. Like Lysa TerKeurst. Like Corrie ten Boom. Like me.

And just like Lysa TerKeurst, my prayer for myself and whatever God plans to do with me (today, tomorrow, in ten years...) is that He'll keep me humble. Keep me growing in my faith and always staying focused on Him. Show me how I can be used for His kingdom. But not make it about me. Because it's not about me at all. Oh how I would love to have the privilege to encourage other women the way I've been encouraged by women like Beth Moore, Kay Arthur, Lysa TerKeurst. It seems like too big of a dream to dream! But God is gently reminding me that He is in charge of my future. So I'm hanging on tight for the ride. Oh boy. What an exciting ride to be on!

Which brings me back to the whole issue of self-discipline. Whether it's self-discipline in my eating, or self-discipline in my exercise habits, or self-discipline in my time management and my finances...self-discipline is a spiritual matter. It's about choosing to be obedient to God. It's about choosing to be filled up with the fruits of the Spirit...and dying to self every day. I can already see the beginnings of some of those fruits in my life. The taste of them just makes me want to be filled up with them all the more.

Whew! What an exciting journey we are all on with God! A journey of being able to be used by Him in our own little tiny corners of the world. I'm SO thankful for all the great examples He's led on this path before us.

OK, time to hit the treadmill. Have a great week everyone!


  1. Love, love, love your post, Jen! I will join you in praying. I'm asking God to blow your mind with what He will do in and through you! We should have coffee sometime ~ I would love to hear more about the dreams God has placed in your heart!
    Blessings to you~
    Cindy :)


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