It's been an amazing first week of March here in Michigan. We've had sunshine for seven straight days! Spring is always such a wonderful reminder of God and His abundant grace and mercy...but this year it seems He's offering us so much more. As winters go, this one here in Jenison was a fairly mild one. Not too much snow or even much extremely cold weather. Unlike our neighbors to the south (my hometown of Watervliet in particular), we skated through winter fairly easily. Yet even though the winter wasn't too harsh, it still seems forever since we've enjoyed the sun and warm air on our faces. So what a joy it has been this last week.
To have the sun shining into the house and warming up everything (including our hearts) has been actually pretty distracting. I'm not complaing, mind you, just saying. This last week it seems that my desire to stick to the schedule of homeschooling and housework has gone right out the window. Of course it's probably spurred on by the fact that our vacation to Florida is quickly approaching. Florida. The place we haven't been able to visit since 2006. Hannah was just learning to walk then. She has absolutely no memory of Florida and Grandma & Grandpa's house or the pool or anything about it. Florida! We're about to embark on a trip full of memories. Memories of my childhood and the vacations we took down there to visit my Grandparents. Memories of the vacations Dave and I have taken down there (three in all) since we've been together. New memories to be made this year. Florida. I just can't hardly concentrate on anything else!
Oh, but I can. There's the list of things I need to get done before we leave. There's also the list of things I'd wished were true right about now (the weight I was supposed to have lost, the new wardrobe I was dreaming I'd own, the bank account I was hoping would be more fully funded). So how do I take all that's rolling around in my head and focus it into clear direction these last few pre-vacation days? Prayer. Quiet meditation. Listening to God's voice in the midst of my hurried, hectic, homeschooled household.
The kids are outside enjoying the beautiful weather and I just finished my shower. My shower is the most peaceful and focused time I sometimes get all day long. I asked God this morning to take all the things going through my mind and to organize them for me. To make them focused on His priorities for my day/week/life. I know He has great plans for me...His Word tells me so. I also know He has blessed me with certain gifts and passions. I know that at some point in my life, He's going to use these gifts to the fullest for His glory. But what's my focus right now? today? at this moment? I believe it's this: to show my kids how abundantly our Father loves us. To fill my kids with words of blessing and love. To take this day to love on them and encourage them and brighten their hearts...just like the sun is doing outside.
Hannah just came in to have me tie her shoes and I was reminded once again of something else. These children are a gift to Dave and I from God. They are a daily reminder of God's love for us! Hannah woke up this morning with a smile on her face and a conversation on her tongue (is she really my daughter?). Even though I wasn't quite in the mood for talking, I was struck by her joy. The smile and laughter that so easily come from my youngest daughter. She brightens my day! (Can't you just see her personality shining through the picture above?) She's a very visual reminder of what my role is in my children's lives right at this moment. But then again, maybe they bless me and encourage me as much as I'm praying I bless and encourage them. What a fun road I'm on: this road called motherhood. There are lots of things to see and do along the way. Lots of detours (some good, some not so much).
Here's my goal right now: to be filled to overflowing with the fruits of the Spirit. Only then can I be blessed. Be truly used by God. Be a blessing to others. Time to go soak up the sun and the chance to just be with and love on my kids. What a great Monday this is!
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