(This photo is of Hannah the last time we went to Florida. She was only 15 months old. Wasn't she adorable?!)
As I finish up the last pre-vacation chores, I'm taking a moment to contemplate. I'm little by little, getting everything packed and done and checked off my list. But, I have taken my fair share of pauses today. Partly because it helps me to think (and make sure I'm not forgetting something), but also because I'm not wanting to even rush through the vacation preparations. Why? Well, because even they are noteworthy. Not necessarily the kind of noteworthy that the day at Disney will be, or the trip to the ocean or even the 22-hour long road trip. But noteworthy just the same. Why? Because with kids, even the mundane is momentous. Now, of course, I don't always acknowledge that or act as if it's true. But it is.
You know how they sell those little cameras that you can put on your pet so you can "see the world through the eyes of your dog" (or whatever they say)? Well, I think we should spend a little more time trying to see the world through the eyes of our children. It's so easy to get caught up in the worries of the grown-up world. But I think God reveals Himself a lot through our kids. Not to mention that we get our socks knocked off with blessings because of it.
As I'm focusing on raking more of the yard, the kids are drawing sidewalk chalk flowers on the driveway. As I'm running over in my mind the to-do list (and checking it twice), the kids are making sure Shadow feels loved since they won't see him while we're gone. As I'm overwhelmed with everything that is going to happen in the next 24+ hours, the kids are making sure they've packed just the right treasures for the long car ride. They're doing a lot of really great things that exemplify the values we're trying to instill in them. They're showing love. They're being helpful. They're being imaginative. They're doing what comes naturally to them.
So I don't really have the brain power to think about this topic too much right now ('cuz I'm so consumed with my to-do list), but I can tell you this: vacation is the perfect time to see the world through our kids' eyes. It's for sure easy to do when you get out of the house and leave your worries behind. I look forward to being renewed, and refreshed, and re-energized. (Probably all the same thing but, as I said above, my brain isn't on full power at the moment.
As I get back to business here, I hear kids singing, kids busy cleaning, kids excitedly chattering about life. I pray we (Dave and I) do a great job of showering our kids with love and attention on this vacation...and that we see the world through their eyes for the next 10 days. I know the blessings that come from that are many. Oh, and the chance to be re-focused as husband and wife isn't a bad idea either.
Until next time...be blessed.
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